
Animal Print Dice by Tux & Roll

Created by Tux & Roll

Adding new meaning to "Natural" 20 - Take a roll on the wild side with these hand-crafted animal print dice by maker/designer Tux&Roll

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Update!
15 days ago – Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 08:21:26 AM

Thank you all for your patience. We try hard not to spam inboxes with too many updates that aren't a status change in the current timeline. This is to avoid important information being overlooked. 

We are working on the backend to organize shipping. Shipping prices increased within the last few weeks that derailed some of our plans and we needed to adjust accordingly. We are, unfortunately, still awaiting the final delivery of swag items. 

You will receive communication via Backerkit when your item is shipping. You should have already received a notification from Backerkit to lock in your address. Please take a moment to double check we have your correct information.

If you have not filled out your Backerkit survey (there is still a few of you!) please do so to avoid delays in shipping your items. 

If you have any concerns about the shipping or delivery process, please connect with us directly. Thank you all again! 

Our shipping foreman testing box integrity


Shipping Process
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 03:56:22 PM

Good day wonderful backers! Reaching out to help answer some questions regarding fulfillment. We want to start by saying, wow - what a journey this last year has been! We are a small business, operating out of a tiny residence, and this was our first Kickstarter ever. There has been many lessons learned and we can't express enough how appreciated your patience has been as we navigate how to manage the massive undertaking that is delivering the final product.  

At this time we are awaiting a few of the "fluff" items (as we like to call it) from 3rd party manufacturers. This includes additional dice boxes and bags as well as shipping materials. We expect these to arrive this month. Once these items get here we will begin packaging and shipping orders domestically to the United States, then international will follow shortly after. 

 You will receive communication via Backerkit when your item is shipping. You should have already received a notification from Backerkit to lock in your address. Please take a moment to double check we have your correct information.

If you have not filled out your Backerkit survey (there is still a few of you!) please do so to avoid delays in shipping your items. 

If you have any concerns about the shipping or delivery process, please connect with us directly. Thank you all again! 

Quick Update
5 months ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 10:14:48 AM

Summer is quickly approaching! 

As stated in the campaign, our goal was to begin shipping come summer 2024. We still are focused on this deadline, and things are looking good! 

This message is a quick reminder to please make sure addresses are up-to-date in your Pledge Manager via Backerkit. We are showing that there are still roughly 40 surveys that are incomplete - this can delay shipping of your item, so if you have not completed your survey please do so here:  

The final product is really coming together and we will be sharing photos soon in a much larger update - we just wanted to touch base and let everyone know we are excited to show you how everything has been coming together, and begin getting organized to avoid delays in shipping. 

Thank you for your continued support as we roll into summer!

February Update - On Target
7 months ago – Sat, Feb 03, 2024 at 08:36:52 AM

February is here! 2024 is under way!

(Painfully we typed out a long and well crafted update but somehow it timed out while posting and we've been unable to retrieve it. Going to attempt to share the information as eloquently as we had it laid out before...)

Greetings dear backers! As the days grow longer and the sun shine gets warmer, we get closer to the promised time frame of delivering dice in June.  It is wild to think that is only 4 months away, but we continue to remain confident that we will be able to make this target as production remains on track. 

While it has been a little quiet the last few weeks, we thank everyone for understanding the slower updates while we recovered from holidays and allowed for some time off. Production is back in full swing at the Tux & Roll Studio, and we have some fun updates cresting the horizon. For now, we just wanted to take a moment to let you all know we are here and working diligently to deliver on our promised goals. 

In the meantime, we wanted to share some company history. February is always a special time for us because it is our anniversary! We made our very first set of dice to celebrate Valentine's day. They were berries and cream inspired and... full of holes, made of the cheapest materials and crafted in a friend's living room. In other words, they weren't great, haha! But we still are so proud of those dice. They are a testament to how far we've come, and how honored we are to  now be making dice professionally for the gaming community we love. Please enjoy these photos of our first ever set of dice - and remember to share love this year for the support in your life, but also for the passions you have! The start of a great journey begins with a simple step. 

Happy gaming and much love! 

Tux & Roll Wrapped
9 months ago – Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 09:27:19 AM

Happy Pawlidays!

**For anyone who might be gifting Animal Print Dice this holiday season, please scroll to the end of this update - we have created a certificate you may print to share! There are two styles - please enjoy!**

Greetings backers and supporters alike - we hope you are having a wonderful holiday season, wherever you may reside, and how ever you enjoy celebrating - we wish you well and hope the season brings you peace and time with loved ones (and of course LOTS OF GAMES!) 

With only 11 more sleeps until Christmas, we are eagerly awaiting Santa Paws over here... 

 We are happy to report that production has been going well, with no major hiccups. Our dice are crafted in layers, where a core is produced with the design and then the numbers are added with a second resin pour. Currently we continue the process of molding the cores and adding the animal print design. We are aiming to have this completed early 2024, and we are on track for this milestone. 

As we roll into 2024, our New Years resolution is to have more activity in the social media department including Tiktok, Instagram, and X (Twitter). Right now production is more on the boring side of things, but we still would like to take you along on the journey. Often when in the grove of resin pouring, or taking dice out of the molds, it is hard to remember to turn on the camera. However, a little elf told us Santa Paws will be bring some tools to help us in that endeavor. We even would like to do a few livestreams where you can join us and watch us do some pours and add some spots. Would that be of interest to some of you? 

As we wrap on 2023, we want to thank each and every one of you for your support. Because of you we get to live out the dream of designing and creating gaming components for a community we love and cherish so dearly. We are fortunate to have some of the best backers out there, and we look forward to sharing our dice with you next summer. If you are gifting Animal Print Dice for the holidays, we crafted up a couple of certificates you could use; please see below:  

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! We look forward to an exciting few months ahead - we hope you do too! Until next time, please follow us on social media @tuxroll on all your favorite platforms!~