
Animal Print Dice by Tux & Roll

Created by Tux & Roll

Adding new meaning to "Natural" 20 - Take a roll on the wild side with these hand-crafted animal print dice by maker/designer Tux&Roll

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Nearing Our Next Milestone!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 09:38:56 AM

Legendary Beasts are nearly unlocked! 

First and foremost, as always - many thanks to our supporters and welcome new backers! I wanted to take a quick moment to wish everyone a happy weekend and a very special shout out to all the dads! We hope you have an epic Father's Day!~ 

We are just a handful of backers away from unlocking the next stretch goal which will feature animal print designs that feed nostalgia and are inspired by the many joys of millennial childhood. From zebra striped gum and Nokia phone cases to Lisa Frank folders and sparkly backpacks - it is a tribute to all things animal print that swept the middle and high schools of the early otts.  

With nostalgia on the mind on this rainy summer Saturday, it got me thinking about how I found this table top/gaming hobby in the first place. 15 years ago I was invited to join a D&D group that was starting up. Having never played before, I was intimidated but intrigued all the same. We spent many weekends around that table, fighting undead and saving villages. But the best part is the funny stories and moments you take with you long after the game is over. When someone tells me they play table top RPG, my first question is always, "What's your best story?!" 

For me - it has to be when I played a rogue. During a trek in the woods we stumbled upon an abandoned tree house. In classic rogue style, I had to of course loot it. Among the items I found was a music box. Little did our party know, that seemingly arbitrary music box would become a pivotal component to our game. Our DM cleverly challenged me by having it play music at random times (not so great for a sneaky rogue) and I challenged right back by trying to use it to fight off enemies (spoiler alert, it never worked. It was after all, just a music box.) Talking with my group we still laugh about that music box. You can't help but love RPGs where there is no limit to the imagination. Do you have a story or loot that changed the course of your game? I'd love to hear about it!

The creative community born around D&D and TTRPG is something incredible. We are all out here trying to enhance the game for each other! Whether it be dice, miniatures, or one shot stories - I am always eager to support and share the works of my fellow creators. Which is why I'd like to wrap up this update with a quick nod to my friends, The Midnight Quill. They are working hard to create a one stop shop collection of items to be used in D&D or any TTRPG universe! Their most recent campaign, "Loot the Body" is a collection of over 1,000 (and growing!) loot items to add to your adventure. As a former rogue who shouted "I LOOT THE BODY" before a slayed enemy could even hit the ground - this Kickstarter is near and dear to my interests. It will have even your most lawful paladin wanting in on the fun! Please take a moment to check them out! If anything, it will give you one more reason to roll your new Animal Print Dice~!

Have a great weekend, and here's hoping the next update will be a legendary one...! 

NEXT LEVEL BEASTS (10k stretch goal) UNLOCKED!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 06:55:49 AM

Next Level Beasts Released!

It was 48 hours ago we launched Animal Print Dice and what a whirlwind of excitement! I can't believe I'm already sharing the news that we've reached the 10K stretch goal! This unlocks the next four designs - Zebra, Hyena, Painted Dog and Snow Leopard!!! 

This is such exciting news! What originally started as a simple leopard spotted dice design, grew into 12 uniquely different concepts. We knew it wouldn't be feasible to offer them all right out of the gate, but the continued support has now provided the funding to do so. Many thanks to each and every one of you for joining this project. Here is hoping the upswing continues as we now start the climb to unlock our final 4 designs - the legendary beasts! 

The fun doesn't stop there, we have more perks to come even after all designs unlock! 

Thank you all again as we continue this journey to crit success! 

Left to right: Zebra, Spotted Hyena, Painted Dog, Snow Leopard

Funded in 5 Hours - THANK YOU
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 02:33:31 PM


Wow - just wow. Where do I find the words? I guess I should start by saying - hello everyone!

 I am so excited to be sharing our first project update just mere hours after launch. I am honored and humbled and in pure shock to reach our funding goal on DAY ONE. It is something many creators can only hope to accomplish, and even more so when you're the new guy in town. It has all been a true testament to your faith in this project and it means so much; THANK YOU.  

The outpour of support on social media has not gone unnoticed either! Many, many thanks to everyone who has been shouting from the roof tops your excitement for these dice. I'm ecstatic to see the love I have for this project be shared by so many of you!

Up until the moment I hit "launch now" I was nauseated not knowing what the next 30 days would hold. To put something you've worked so hard on out into the world is scary - but you all showed me just how much it is truly worth it.  Today is just the beginning - we still have stretch goals and surprises and SO MUCH MORE to come. I'm beyond grateful to be sharing this trek across the savannah with all of you. Thanks for coming on safari with me! Giraffes, cheetah, leopards and tigers - OH MY! 

P.S. Porter says thank you too!