
Animal Print Dice by Tux & Roll

Created by Tux & Roll

Adding new meaning to "Natural" 20 - Take a roll on the wild side with these hand-crafted animal print dice by maker/designer Tux&Roll

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Add-ons and Survey Reminder
10 months ago – Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 07:13:37 AM

Hello, and happy fall ya'll! 

For those that celebrate the season, wishing you a fun, safe, and spooky Halloween! We will be spending ours playing games - of course! 

As far as updates go, production is well underway and making great headway. The dice are made in 3 stages - create cores, place patterns, and finally, add numbers. Currently we are in the core pouring stage for all sets with a goal to start adding patterns by mid-November. We are currently on track for our delivery goals. 

Final Reminder

Taking a quick moment to remind everyone that on November 1st Backerkit will be collecting funds for any additional items purchased from add-ons. Thank you for your continued support, and we are excited so many of you were interested in expanding your collection beyond your original pledge. 

This is also a reminder to please complete your Backerkit survey if you haven't yet - this will ensure there are no delays in production and we are able to deliver your item on time. 

The "late pledge" store will remain open for the time being, so for anyone who missed out, feel free to check it out here !

Thank you all again for your support - and we'll see you next month with more updates! 

Happy Halloween from Tux & Roll~!

End of Month Update
11 months ago – Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 08:55:01 PM

Good day lovely backers! 

Sharing a quick update to first and foremost, say, "thank you!" 

Nearly all the surveys have been completed - enough to get started on production; one of the many benefits of making our dice in house. As a reminder, we kindly ask that surveys be completed by November 1st to provide the most accurate counts for production. This is also the time that all accounts will be charged for any add-on purchases such as additional dice and sets, so please keep that in mind.

Lost your survey or didn't receive it? A link to access it can be found here: 

This is also where the late pledge and add on store can be found for anyone looking to still get a set and/or some of our super cool add-ons! 

Speaking of which... we have some fun photos to share! The inspiration/challenge coins (d2) arrived today! They are stunning!! They have a great weight to them, very detailed, highly textured and bound to make others at the table jealous (we may have taken a couple to the pub with us today to test that out with great success...!) 

Finally for news, we also received a photo of the enamel pin from our manufactures and we should have them in hand soon. Thanks everyone who put trust in us delivering on these products and purchasing them based on concept art alone. Your support truly means so much, and we are excited to be able to share these limited edition keepsakes with you as our cherished backers. 

Thanks again everyone, and we will be back in a few weeks for a final survey reminder and production update! In the meantime, feel free to follow us on your favorite social media outlet - as we do post regularly. You can find the link tree at

Farewell until next time!  

Inspiration Coin Face A
Inspiration Coin Face B
Enamel Pin

Late Pledges with Pre-Order Store Now Open
12 months ago – Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 11:21:19 AM

Pledge Manager Surveys and Late Pledges Update

Good day all! This is a quick update to let everyone know that our "smoke test" for pledge manager surveys is nearly complete and the remaining surveys should be going out by end of day tomorrow. Please note that the pledge manger/backer survey is being managed by our amazing partners and friends at BackerKit so be on the look out for communication from them. 

Speaking of BackerKit, they have also helped with creating a platform to allow for late pledges via their pre-order store. This store will only remain open until November 1st, so act fast if you were hoping to still get your paws on these amazing dice designs in time for production! Please note, all backers will gain access to this store while completing their backer survey.

Thank you all, and we hope you enjoy the add-on selection offerings and as always, we sincerely appreciate your support. We could not create our art and vision without you, and we are just as excited as you are to get this product to your gaming table! 

Pledge Manager Rolling Out!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 05, 2023 at 02:56:12 PM

Keep an eye on your inboxes! 

Hello wonderful backers! I hope everyone had a great August month - and to all the fellow pumpkin spice consumers, tis the season my dudes!  

We would like to take a quick moment to share an update on where we are with Animal Print Dice.

 What have we been up to? 

Well - we spent the last few weeks getting our ducks in a row, so to speak. We have been reorganizing space, ordering supplies and tools, and testing our new molds. In addition, we have been partnering with a few suppliers so we could offer some unique add-ons just for our Kickstarter supporters. Mother nature had a few other surprises for us, including a hurricane and some extreme temperatures, that added to some unexpected shipping delays. All said and done, we're ready to roll now, and excited to share the much anticipated pledge manager. 

So why all this before launching the pledge manager? 

We have had many inquires about add-on sets, late pledges, and if any of the unreached stretch goals could be an option still. We wanted to take and assess these inquires seriously. Our commitment comes to meeting our pledges first. The great news is, with our new set up, we are happy to share we will be able to accommodate additional orders via the pledge manager and late campaign pledges. In addition to full sets and individual dice add-ons, we will also be able to offer the windowed tin display box, a d2 challenge/inspiration coin, and additional swag bag items for purchase. These items are available as a way to enhance your game play and show your support for Tux & Roll. 

The pledge manager will begin roll out in stages. A small percentage of you will see the survey first as a "smoke test" to ensure there aren't any glaring errors we may have missed. So if you don't see it right away, don't be alarmed. Assuming this process goes smoothly, the remaining backers will receive the survey. So please keep an eye out on those inboxes! Once we know all surveys have been distributed, we will share another update. 

Thank you all again for your support - as a treat, we would like to share the concept art for the add-on items mentioned above! 

Happy rolling! 

Concept art for d2 coin
Windowed tin dice box
Enamel pin concept art

Reward Surveys/Pledge Manager Coming Soon
about 1 year ago – Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 05:10:47 PM

Reward Surveys/Pledge Manager Coming Soon

Good day wonderful backers! We have been hard at work preparing the design space to begin production. We have also been building the pledge manager which will go live here very soon. Via the pledge manager you will be able to add-on additional dice, swag items, and of course - select your design entitlements. While we didn't reach all our stretch goals, we would like to be able to offer them as an upgrade for a low cost. This includes the windowed display box and commemorative coin. We are smoothing out the details to make this happen. 

Please take a quick moment to double check your pledges have processed so you do not miss out on claiming your reward. We wanted to give everyone some padded time to complete payments before sending out the surveys. That being said, we are also planning to open for late pledges in the near future. So if you or someone you know missed out, we would like to still offer the chance to join us on safari! Keep and eye out here and our social media as we will be sure to share that news when we're ready. 

Once more, thank you all for your support. If there is anything you are hoping to see for add-ons, please feel free to make suggestions - we love hearing from you! Have a lovely week!

Until next time, roll in style!